Bookshelf Characters

Timid Timothy
Doesn’t know books, Frightened, Needs to be encouraged, Curious, frightened to ask, Likes friendly people, Quiet, Doesn’t like to be embarrassed, Doesn’t have friends – would like to make friends, Lonely – uses books to find adventure & learn…

Eager Emily
Knows more than Timothy, Needs help, Gets confused, Not always sure of herself, Not as lonely as Timothy…

Confident Charlie
Likes books, Confident, Knows how book works, Knows who to ask, Likes adventure, Curious, Uses books to find out moreLots of friends, Knowledgeable…

Martha Mouse
Looks after books, Makes sure books are packed away, Cleans and dusts, Puts books in order, Reads books on her own when no one is about, Magic feather duster – waves feather duster under nose of naughty children and those who don’t look after books…

Sally Scribbler
Naughty toy, Doesn’t listen, Scribbles in books, Tears pages, Gets up to mischief, Needs to still learn respect for books…

Grandpa Ben
Seldom visits the toys, Travels on a train to visit the toys, Tells of his grandchildren’s adventures, Sings a train song when he does visit…

Cathy Caterpillar
Eager Emily’s friend, Brings stories about bugs and creepy crawlies, Favourite book is the very hungry caterpillar, Scared of cats and doesn’t like people who step on bugs